Friday, April 29, 2011

Alla Fine


I just finished my very last assignment for my masters degree and turned it in like a proud parent dropping their child off at college:
- Sad to see this season end
- Excited to see this season end

Actually, I'm not really sad at all. School is way less romantic than I remember. It turns out that most adults work during the day, which significantly reduces the fun factor by 99% for those with a flexible schedule (me).

And this is how I'm celebrating:
I am nannying right now for the goldfish (long story to explain why I call him that... maybe a future post?). I was determined to get my paper done today, so I brought over my computer to finish my paper while he slept. I also knew that I would want a celebratory experience and reward for finishing school, so I stopped by Starbucks and bought at Java Chip Peppermint Frappuccino (quite a rare treat for me). It was waiting for me in the freezer until I finished my paper. Ah. Sweet victory.... in silence... while the goldfish sleeps and I blog. Sigh. Oh well. I'm celebrating in my heart.  :)

Au Revoir, Regis University!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ryan's 30th Birthday

These photos have taken an eternity to put up here because my mom had them on her camera and I kept forgetting to salvage them...

Anyway, Happy 30th Birthday, Ryan! My mom and I put on a poker party for him on March 5, 2011. It went over really well and I wanted to share some of the details we put into the party:

The food table...

The cookies I made to look like cards.

Some of Ryan's favorite snacks.

The Caprese salad skewers, which were the hit of the night.

It turns out vegetable skewers are more difficult than they appear.

Drink station.

The party peeps.

A close up of my fine art. :)

And lastly, the the card string that hung near the poker table. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Real Life Stories

I adore the public library and am a prominent figure amongst the memoir book section and the DVD documentary section. I guess I'm a sucker for real life stories. 

SIDENOTE- Jake actually has a pretty hilarious insight into my love for real life stories:
Jake loves to tell jokes. He can rattle off joke after joke that he read off popsicles when he was 8 years old. He has a knack for remembering tragically corny jokes and enjoys telling them to me. However, I am the most terrible audience because I do not laugh. I can't even muster up a polite laugh 1. because it's truly not funny to me and 2. because I do not want to encourage his corny joke telling. He came up with a solution that if he starts his joke off with the stage set as if it is a real life situation, I will be engaged in the joke and therefore think it is funny because it is real life. Example: Jake- "Man, yesterday, the craziest thing happened . I went out to lunch with Mike and this guy I haven't seen in years walked in. His name was Bill. And actually, he was a duck...." So Jake has tried this theory out on me many times, but I usually catch on by the time he admits his "friend" was a duck. ;)

Anyway... Now that school is winding down, I have been able to do "pleasure reading", which should probably have a different name (one that does not connotate reading graphic romance novels by myself in a rose-petal-filled bathtub). 

I have loved some of the recent books I have read and thought I would share my recent reading list:

The Year of Living Biblically- A.J. Jacobs
This is a memoir of the Editor of Esquire Magazine who spent one full year living out the commandments of the Old Testament as best as possible. It definitely includes a part where he stones an adulterer (but I won't spoil that encounter for you). I have mixed feelings about books like this that take something sacred and sovereign to me and turn it into a money-making endeavor (aka- a book deal). I just pray that the author was able to truly glean some of the wisdom and truth from the Word of God through the process. A year emerged in the Bible can never be a bad thing. All in all, it is quite a hilarious book and the writing is excellent. Highly recommend.

The Blue Parakeet: Re-Thinking How You Read The Bible- Scot McNight
I am having a more difficult time getting through this book because it is more meaty than some of the other "pleasure" reading I have been doing. It has really good insight and addresses many current hot topics in the Christian faith. I can't give it a full recommendation because I haven't finished it, but for now, I am still intrigued enough to keep reading and hopefully learning.

The Unlikely Disciple- A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University- Kevin Roose
This book is similar to The Year of Living Biblically, because it involves a non-believer submerging himself in a Christian world of unfamiliar rules and routines and trying to make sense of them without the understanding of who God truly is. I did enjoy the insights into some of the quirky, non-Biblical practices that Christians have adopted (such as the side-hug, modern-day courting, and so many linguistic adaptations). I also related well to the culture of Liberty University (aka "America's Holiest University"), because it is very similar to my undergraduate university- Oral Roberts University (ORU). The difference is ORU students viewed Liberty as more liberal in their rules; ORU was much more strict. So to read some of the scoffing at the rules made me think this guy had it pretty easy, even thought he thought things were pretty strict.

Well, I don't plan on becoming a professional book reviewer, so I will stop there. All that being said, I have been enjoying reading non-school books lately... about real life situations... that have no relevance to knock-knock jokes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A New Journey

I am embarking on a new journey. I sprained my back (who knew that was possible?) in February and have compounded the problem by continuing to train for my marathon and going snowboarding a lot. It will only heal if I rest, so rest I must. For six weeks, I will be journeying through my first sabbatical of not working out. Going six weeks without doing anything active may seem like a welcome idea to some people, but I have met the idea with great resistance. It has been a challenge for me emotionally to give up the start of the  ultimate frisbee season, finishing the end of the snowboarding season, and especially the marathon that I was training so hard for. I look forward to the lessons I will learn from this season and am thankful for a God who comforts me even in situations that seem a little ridiculous to be so distraught over.

This morning I was playing my guitar and singing and these words brought me so much comfort:

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrow like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Though hast taught me to say,
"It is well, it is well, with my soul."

  1. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    Let this blest assurance control,
    That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  2. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
    My sin, not in part but the whole,
    Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
  3. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
    Even so, it is well with my soul.