Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fall Update

Because I have failed as a blogger (Hannah, don't think less of me!), I will now do a photo recap of the fall:

I took a trip out to Washington D.C. to welcome Gina home from Afghanistan and was able to go visit a close friend  who just had a baby and lives in Delaware. Her mom is so lovely and I got some great pictures of the grandmother/grandchild. :) So precious. 

I arrived after a long day of traveling (3 hour flight, 3 hour drive thanks to East Coast traffic). But it was so worth it. Allen James the fourth is just darling.  

The next day I went to Baltimore, Maryland to join my friend Karissa and Gina's dad John for a lovely welcome home celebration for Captain Gina Fasciani! 

There was the coolest welcome home hoopla for all the soldiers who arrived back in the States. A non-profit called Operation Welcome Home really makes sure that the soldiers get the celebratory welcoming that they deserve. It was seriously the coolest experience. There was so much American pride and honest thanksgiving there. I loved it!

Gina is home! 
Jake and I joined our newlywed friends Phil and Megan for a hike up to Conundrum Hot Springs near Aspen, CO. It was truly the most epitome-of-Colorado weekend I think I've had in a long time. So awesome!

Hiking out the next morning... We had such good weather for September!

For my birthday, Jake MADE me this jewelry "box"! He put so much detail into it. I could not love it more. There are little vintage touches all over, from the old doorknobs to the antique thread spools.!!!!

It is perfect!!!

In November I traveled to Austin, TX for a business trip. I really don't love Texas (sorry Texans), but I LOVED Austin. We had a hotel right on the river. It was beautiful weather and was just a fun city. I highly recommend it. :)

The (in)famous bat bridge that hosts the worlds largest urban bat colony. You could smell the guano for miles. Literally. 

The original Batman. 

Jake and I at the Denver Zoo Lights awaiting Sam's PROPOSAL! We were there to take sneaky pictures...

And there they are: The future Mr. and Mrs. Murri! Weird. :)

I am SO excited for these two!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Murri Christmas Letter

My dad has a tradition of writing a family Christmas letter every year and I am now making it a tradition of stealing his letter and posting it on my blog:

Christmas 2011

When you read our letter this year, you may think that we recycled news from previous years. Tempting as that might have been, it was not the case. In many ways, our lives just sort of went retro. Throughout this letter, you will see some old familiar headlines, but you'll have to read the details to get the real news.

Nurse Undergoes Back Surgery
Janiece had surgery on her lower back in June. She has had two previous surgeries on her lower back, and two on her neck. Janiece blames her parents for all of her back trouble. Not due to any lapses in judgment; they just passed down some incredibly lame back genes. Janiece has mostly recovered from her recent surgery, and is continuing to gain strength. Though she is a premier member in the Frequent Suture program, she is hoping to be done with surgeries Janiece is working as a wellness nurse for a Colorado-based health insurance company. Ironically, she advises clients who are suffering with chronic pain and illness. In September, Blake took Janiece to Estes Park for the 35th Annual Scottish/Irish Festival. There were bagpipes and drums aplenty, and the sounds of Scotland the Brave filled the
air. There was Irish dancing, jousting, and a heavy athletic competition. The heavy athletic competition involved large men in skirts heaving stones and timbers. Fortunately, that did not involve any high jumping or pole vaulting exhibitions (or exhibitionists). In above photo, Janiece is the main course in a Leprechaun sandwich (the Leprechauns had been dipping from a pot of rum at the end of the rainbow).

Engineer Manages Software Testing

Blake is back at his old job as software test manager at Lockheed Martin. He had been doing that for several years, but took a 2+ year sabbatical to work with corporate engineering. Blake enjoys his job, and is happy to be gainfully employed. Most of his colleagues are happy to have him back. Others did not even know he was gone (those are the true engineers). Blake was humbled to learn that the program continued to function, and the satellites did not fall out of the sky while he was away. His replacements must have been well-trained (yeah, that's it!). In July, Blake and Janiece went to Alaska with Janiece's family. They stayed with some family friends in Soldotna, who taught them the Kenai Jerk (that's a fishing motion, not a dance). The red salmon run was on, and it was truly a fisherman's dream. The fish were biting, they were all "keepers", and nightfall never came! The downside was that there was a three fish limit. A bad fisherman could probably catch his limit in just a few hours. Blake presents his daily catch in the photo at right. Isn't he just the poster boy for Cabela's?

Young Man Supports Family with Three Children
Following in his father's family footsteps, Ryan took on some family responsibilities of his own this year. He wandered into a space/time continuum as a swinging single guy with a convertible, and emerged on the other side as a family man with a mini-van (that's right, a mini-van). Ryan is helping his girlfriend, Faith, in raising and supporting her 3 children (Ashton, Jake, and Delaney). As if that does not present enough of a challenge, add a large dose of car trouble. On the mini-van, the transmission went out, and Ryan could only get it to drive in reverse. On another car, Faith had a wheel come off while she was driving 50 mph down the road. She was able to pull over without incident, but the wheel was nowhere to be found. It likely came to rest in the next county. In spite of all these challenges, Ryan and Faith are happy. Be sure to wave if you see them out and about. They will be in a red Dodge Caravan driving backwards down the interstate, or with the hood up on the side of the road. Ryan, Faith, and kids are pictured at left (Ashton unavailable).

Young Lady Serves As Event Planner

Ally has been planning events since her second birthday party. Well, many events later, she is still planning, only now she gets paid to do it! Ally is working for Friend's First, a non-profit organization that brings positive development to young adults. It did not take them long to recognize Ally's mad planning skills, and in addition to her teaching responsibilities, they put her in charge of outreach events. In her spare time, Ally earned an MA in Leadership Development from Regis University. Ally's husband, Jake has been working at a racecar engine repair shop. It's a great job, but his heart is in law enforcement. Jake has applied to several agencies, in and out of state. In each case, he has gone far into the process, but did not get the job. After doing a little detective work of his own, Jake discovered that he had a Grand Theft Auto conviction on his record (thanks to another Jake Jones). He has since been working to clear his name. Curiously, Jake has a lead on a "hot" minivan that might be available for Ryan and Faith. Ally and Jake competed in triathlons this past summer. Ally fared well, and finished according to plan. Jake did great, but of course his range was limited by the ankle monitor.

Student Works Toward Mechanical Engineering Degree

Following in his father's academic footsteps, Sam is working on a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is going to school at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. Sam is enjoying college, but he is not 100% convinced that he will stay with engineering. He may go an entirely different direction. Judging from the sample of classes that he is taking this year (Accounting, Latin, and Ancient Egypt History), it is not entirely clear what that direction might be. Sam could be a professional student if he did not have such disdain for going to class, doing homework, and taking tests. Sam arranged to live in an off-campus apartment this fall. Blake offered to take his truck to transport Sam's stuff, but that would have been woefully inadequate. When Sam said he was moving, he really meant that he was in everything. They ended up renting a large trailer to haul "everything" off to college. Ironically, he could have fit all of his books and school supplies in his daypack. Sam is pictured at right with Danielle (also, a student at UCCS). Although they have been inseparable for years, Danielle has just recently gone from friend, to girlfriend, to fiancée (wedding plans underway...Ally?).

History has a way of repeating itself (or going retro, in today's vernacular). And history repeats itself in our lives, from one generation to the next. Sometimes we choose to follow in our parent's foot-steps. Other times, when we don't choose that path, it finds us anyway. Like it or not, we are all products of our past. The good news is that, regardless of our past, we can all have hope for a bright future. This time of year, we celebrate the birth of our Savior, who brings us hope. He who knew no sin, took on the sins of the world, and gave His life that we might live. May you share that hope, and may God bless you and your loved ones this holiday season. Merry Christmas from the ever-changing Denver Murri (and Jones) family to yours.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween from Jake and Ally!

Jake and I dressed up like a ventriloquist and his doll for a costume party over the weekend. Jake decided to perform a little routine. Enjoy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Blog Share From My Friend Hannah...

My friend Hannah is my blogging inspiration. She just wrote a fabulous blog about our little weekend adventure and she gave me permission to put it on my. So, with ALL the blogging credit to Hannah, here is her post:

a lovely weekend in "estes ark"

this past weekend, mr. lesley and i were invited up to estes park to celebrate our dear friend ally's  birthday.
with the cooler temps, beautiful views, ridiculous games, delicious eats, nap times, and belly laughs, it was the perfect way to start my fall break. 

after we arrived at the cabin and settled in on friday night, it was time for an intense game of bible brainstorm. 
what is bible brainstorm you ask?
well, it's like cranium for kids who grew up in the christian sub-culture. 
it was awesome. 
(special shout out to the owners of the cabin. although i have to ask, where did you find such a game?) 
the best moment of the night was definitely ally trying to pantomime "ride to galilee".
45 minutes later and we sill couldn't get it. 

another highlight? 
gina fasciani (a friend from ORU) was there. 
she just got back from afganistan.
yeah, she's pretty much my hero.
saturday morning started off with a pancake breakfast around the table.
followed many cups of coffee (i wanted to steal that love mug so bad, but i refrained) and relaxed reading time. 
in the afternoon we took a little jaunt to rocky mountain national park to do some hiking per ally's birthday request.
she is quite the outdoors lady.
we tried to do a few different hikes but the parking lots were full (you try to go into nature to "get away from it all" only to realize "it all" followed you...go figure:), so we snagged a spot and started a short hike to bierstadt lake. 
the hike was short and the views were breathtaking.
i was a big fan.
we arrived at the lake...
ally tried to show us some of her acrobatic moves...
we found some tree chairs...
took in the glorious views...
posed for some classic engagement shots...
(notice the strategic hand placement.)
and made some friends in the animal kingdom.
the chipmunk and birds did not mess around when it came to snagging treats. 
(even when it meant taking them off of jake's head.)
we took one group shot and then made our way down the trail. 

and on the way back to the cabin, we couldn't resist stopping at possibly the best named attraction in all of colorado, "estes ark." 
although i never saw the famous "talking teddy" i dud see more stuffed animals than i was comfortable with.
one word: wow.
our day post- hike consisted of...
trying to fix gina's amazing new record player, baking cookies, taking naps, and reading. 
it was perfect.
for dinner that night ally and jake made us spaghetti, and ally even found a heart shaped noodle! 
even pasta feels the love.
after dinner we played the picture pass word game.
i have no idea how to describe the game in any way that would make sense, but it was definitely hilarious.

then it was time to celebrate ally's birthday with some ice cream cake...
and banana grams while the boys watched a ridiculous 80's movie entitled "rad." 
sunday morning our mountain weekend came to a close.
all in all, it was the perfect storm of awesomeness. 

happy birthday ally.
i am so glad you were born! 
thanks for planning such a lovely weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Blog I Wrote For Work: The Importance of Good Friends

FRIENDS FIRST Blog: The Importance of Good Friends: By Ally Jones Friends are important. Good friends are really important. A friend is someone you can laugh with; a good friend is a perso...

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Tri Summer

My long-lost blog! I have a hard time wanting to be online much when it's so wonderful outside...

We had quite a full summer here- traveling, backpacking, hiking, and triathlons! Jake and I each did a triathlon (his second, my first). Jake did the Xterra Indian Peaks tri for the second time and I did the Iron Girl in Boulder. I am definitely more partial to running races, but I enjoyed the challenge!

Pre-race! We were numbered from oldest to youngest, so I was in the last wave of girls to get in the water.

A beautiful morning for a brisk swim in the Boulder Res!

I think I'm in there somewhere...

A major downfall for me was my mountain bike. It was a road bike course, so I definitely lacked the speed that most everyone else had. :(

Running in to the finish! I had some great friends and family there to cheer me in. Thanks, guys!

Even though I was probably pretty gross by this time, I definitely poured water over my head right before this picture!

Jake's tri up by Nederland at the Eldora Ski Resort.

Cheering him on!

His swim was MUCH colder than mine.... and much further. 

It was gorgeous, but that water sure was chilly! Good thing for wet suits. 

Out of the water and onto the bike portion...

This picture makes me smile. :)

Up, up and away! Jake is the guy in lime green closest to the gondola pole.

I had to take a picture of this cute little scene of a dad and his son, who was his total mini-me. 
And, unfortunately, my camera died after this. I used my mom's (the fam was there to cheer Jake on, too), but  I don't have those pictures. I can attest that Jake had a stellar finish and ran like a champ. :) Good job, Jake!